March 20th, 2023

9567 E. By-Pass Road

Snowbird, Utah 84092


                                           Dave Richards, Chairman

                                           Tom Prosek, Vice Chairman

                                           Chris Bremer, Trustee

                                           Keith Hanson, Gen. Mgr./Treasurer

                                           Kasey Carpenter, Asst. General Manager    

Bryauna Alderin, Office Manager/Clerk

John Brindle, System Operator



The Salt Lake County Service Area #3 Board of Trustees meeting was called to order by Chairman Richards at 12:00 pm.


MEETING MINUTES APPROVAL Chairman Richards asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the February 21st, 2023, Board meeting. Trustee Bremer motioned to approve, Chairman Richards seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. A copy of the minutes is attached for review.


2022 MUNICIPAL WASTEWATER PLANNING PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT- Mr. Carpenter presented the 17-page 2022 Municipal Wastewater Planning Program annual report to the Board. This report is required by the Utah DEQ. Mr. Carpenter and Mr. Hanson submitted the report to the DEQ this morning. A copy of the report is attached to the meeting minutes for review.


2023 State Auditor Fraud Risk assessment – Mr. Hanson presented the Fraud Risk assessment. Completed by Ms. Alderin and reviewed by Mr. Hanson. The 2023 assessment for Salt Lake County Service Area #3 scored 335/395 which puts the Service Area #3 at a Low risk level for 2023. Ms. Alderin emailed the Board with updated copies of the Conflict-of-Interest Policy & Form and the Ethical behavior Pledge annual signature requirements for the Fraud Risk assessment. A copy of the 2023 Fraud Risk assessment is attached for review.





MINOR ACCIDENT 2017 CHEVY TRUCK- Mr. Carpenter stated that Mr. Brindle was involved in a small rear end collision while driving the work truck. No injuries and no damage to the 2017 Service area truck and a small dent in the other vehicle’s bumper. The incident was processed through the Service Area’s insurance.


RWAU CONFERENCE 2023- Mr. Carpenter stated that the conference went well. Mr. Brindle took his Distribution 2 test and is feeling confident in passing. Mr. Carpenter and Ms. Alderin attended various classes and retained some good information while earning CEU’s toward their current certifications.


WEST PERUVIAN ESTATES – Mr. Carpenter, Mr. Hanson and Mr. Brindle met with the Town of Alta, Newman Construction and Nick Graue from Aqua Engineering to discuss the waterline replacement project. Mr. Carpenter stated Newman construction can get the project on their schedule, most likely after June due to the amount of snow received this winter. Mr. Carpenter stated he will keep the board informed of progress with this project.


2022 AUDIT PREPRATION – Mr. Carpenter stated that our accountant Mr. Rowley from Keddington & Christianson was up at the office working with Ms. Alderin on preparation for the 2022 financial audit. Gilbert & Stewart, the Service Area’s Auditor’s should be up towards the end of April for the audit.


UTAH DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS, WATER USE REPORTING – Mr. Carpenter discussed public water supply use for 2022. The Annual water reports are completed for the Wasatch Drain Tunnel, Mid Gad Spring, Peruvian Spring and the Alta town. This report will be submitted before end of the month.


COTTONWOOD IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT MEETING- Mr. Carpenter, Mr. Hanson and Mr. Brindle met with the Cottonwood Improvement District’s operations staff to discuss sewer emergency response planning. This meeting was sparked by a sewer incident in Big Cottonwood Canyon over President’s weekend. SA3 and CID feel they have a good plan in place for sewer emergencies in Little Cottonwood Canyon. Mr. Carpenter stated they also discussed a plan for this spring/summer to chain the sewer pipe section by the China wall that was found to have deposits last summer during the TV process.


CHLORINE ANALYZER – Mr. Carpenter stated that the new chlorine analyzer for the Drain Tunnel arrived much earlier then expected and will be installed this week and the old analyzer will be cleaned and readied for installation at the Peruvian reservoir.




BLACKJACK LODGE FIRE HYDRANT – Mr. Carpenter stated that last weekend a snowplow hit the fire hydrant outside the Blackjack lodge entrance. Mr. Hanson received a call from the caretaker regarding the incident on Saturday evening; Mr. Carpenter assessed the damage Sunday and turned off the water to the fire hydrant until the traffic flange can be replaced. Mr. Carpenter is looking forward to showing Mr. Brindle how fire hydrants work.


WEST PERUVIAN ESTATES PRV – Mr. Carpenter stated that he was informed that the ring and lid for the PRV vault were hit by the snowplow and removed from the top of the vault. Mr. Carpenter worked with the plow driver and with a little shovel work he put the ring and lid back in place. No apparent damage to the PRV.


TREASURER’S REPORT –Mr. Hanson stated that a transfer of funds was made into each of our PTIF accounts for a total of $180,000.00. Mr. Hanson reviewed with the Board of Trustees, the Balance Sheet Previous Year Comparison report through February 28th, 2023, and the Profit and Loss Budget vs. Actual January 1st, 2023, through February 28th, 2023. These reports are emailed to members of the Board prior to the Board meeting for their review. Salt Lake County Service Area #3 prepared the financial reports.


APPROVAL OF BILLS PAID- Vice Chairman Prosek motioned to approve the bills listed on the check detail dated, February 17th through March 16th, 2023, as presented by Mr. Hanson, and hereby authorized and ratified to be paid by the office manager.   Trustee Bremer seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Copies of the approved check detail are attached to the minutes.



ADJOURNMENT- With there being no further business, Chairman Richards adjourned the meeting at 12:55 pm.



Salt Lake County Service Area #3-Snowbird                                             



Dave Richards/ Chairman



ATTEST: ________________________________________

Bryauna Alderin/Clerk



DATE: ____________________________________________