January 15th, 2019

at the Service Area Administration Building

PRESENT: Dave Richards, Chairman

Kate McGuinness, Trustee

Tom Prosek, Trustee

Keith Hanson, Gen. Mgr./Treasurer

Steve McIntosh, Systems Manager

Steve Rawley, Accountant

Bryauna Alderin, Office Manager/Clerk


Salt Lake County Service Area #3 Board of Trustees meeting called to order by Mr. Richards on Tuesday 15th of January at 12:04pm.

Open & Public Meeting Laws: As an annual requirement governed by the Utah State Legislature, current public officer, (Trustees), are to review the, "Open and Public Meeting Act", (Utah Code Title: -52-Chapter 4). Mr. Hanson, and those present then reviewed the Open and Public Meeting laws with the Board. Mr. Hanson also discussed the closed meeting laws as well. The Board of Trustees have the necessary information submitted to them by the clerk for their annual training on the, "Little Manual of Special Districts".


Mr. Richards made a motion approving the meeting minutes from December 11th, 2018 board meeting minutes as written. Ms. McGuinness seconded the motion and it was unanimously carried.


Water and Sewer:

Mr. Hanson discussed the west grizzly subdivision sewage holding tanks and the town of Alta’s interest in connecting the subdivision to the sewer system. They have put out a request for proposals for an engineering study of the project. There is the possibility of cost sharing with the current Pasty Marley project to add sewer to 3 homes & 2 lots in west grizzly. Mr. Hanson also discussed a purposed project Alta Ski Lift co. has regarding added parking near the Albion ticket office. The Town of Alta Operations Contract has expired, new contract ready February 26th, 2019 Board meeting.

Realignment/Elimination of manholes 128-122

Mr. Hanson met with Nima Mahak from Snowbird planning and development to discuss the Sewer Capital project realignment/elimination of the man holes 128-122 around the Snowbird center. Project on hold pending Snowbird’s preliminary design plan of new building. Snowbird center’s 1st floor sewer laterals are to be replaced summer 2019.

New Snowbird Co-Gen Building

Mr. Hanson informed the Board that Snowbird has decided to build a new Co-gen operation building summer 2019. Mr. Hanson discussed the logistics of the new building including moving the telemetry of sewer from fire station to new building location, possible utility corridor, possibly of hydro power with SA3 infrastructure.

Changing System Dynamics

Mr. Hanson discussed the changing the water distribution system dynamics. This includes isolating the Hellgate reservoir near the Superior reservoir and using the 14" line from hellgate to carry Superior culinary to better serve water to the village. With the addition of a new master meter (consumptive meter) in the Superior reservoir.

Snowbird Mid-Gad restaurant remodel-

Mr. Hanson discussed the remodel of the Snowbird mid mountain restaurant remodel, he requested the removal of the two 50-year-old 10,000-gallon culinary water tanks and be replaced with fiberglass tanks. As well as update of the fire sprinkler system.


Mr. Hanson discussed tunnel snowmaking water and possible future supply requirements for Snowbird’s snowmaking system . Currently Snowbird has a 12" line from our pump station. Snowbird is interested in a new, larger or additional line to better meet their needs during cold periods.

Peruvian Water supply

The Peruvian spring and mine tunnel are currently only supplying 10 -20 gallons per minute to the system. This is less than half (30 – 40 gpm is normal) what we generally see this time of year.


Mr. Hanson reviewed with the Board of Trustees, the Balance Sheet Previous Year Comparison report beginning December 1st through December 31st, 2018 the Profit and Loss Budget vs. Actual beginning December 1st through December 31st, 2018 and Check Details beginning December 11th through January 14th, 2019. These reports are emailed to members of the board, prior to the board meeting for their review. Financial reports are prepared by Salt Lake County Service Area #3.

Mr. Hanson discussed renewing the UASD membership annual cost $800. Mr. Hanson discussed opening a 3rd PTIF bank account and changing the names of the current 2 accounts. Addition and changes to be made before next meeting.


Ms. McGuinness moved that the bills listed on the December 11th, 2018 through January 14th, 2019 payment registers, as presented by Mr. Hanson hereby be authorized and ratified to be paid by the office manager. Tom Prosek seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Copies of the approved bills are attached to the minutes.


There being no further business to be discussed, Chairman Richards a motion to adjourn was made, seconded and unanimously carried at 1:11 p.m.



Salt Lake County Service Area #3-Snowbird



Dave Richards/Chairman


ATTEST: _________________________________________

Bryauna Alderin/Clerk


DATE: ____________________________________________