July 17, 2018

at the Service Area Administration Building

PRESENT: Dave Richards, Chairman-Delayed For Meeting

Tom Prosek, Trustee/Acting Chairman

Kate McGuinness, Trustee

Keith Hanson, Gen. Mgr. /Treasurer

Paul Skeen, Eide Bailly

Steve McIntosh, Systems Manager

Monica Lisenbee, Office Manager/Clerk


Mr. Richards was delayed for this meeting, therefore, Mr. Prosek acted as chairman until his arrival. Mr. Richards participated by calling into meeting at 12:01 p.m. Dave Richards arrived at 12:25 p.m.

Regular Board Meeting Minutes Approval: Mr. Prosek opened the regular Board Meeting at 12:01 p.m. Pertaining to the June 26th, 2018 meeting minutes, Mr. Prosek asked for clarification on the location of the Creek Road, which Mr. Hanson explained. Mr. Prosek then made a motion approving the meeting minutes from June 26th, 2018 board meeting as written. Ms. McGuiness seconded the motion and it was unanimously carried.

Presentation of 2017 Audit-Paul Skeen with Eide Bailly presented to the board, the final audit of the 2017 financial statements. Mr. Skeen discussed auditing requirements and responsibilities of the Service Area relating to the audit. Mr. Skeen reviewed sections of the audit to include: the Management, Discussion and Analysis, Statements of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Position and Pension Liability, Statement of Revenues, Internal controls and compliance standards. Mr. Skeen referred to page. 35 of the audit report, (Schedule of Audit Findings and Responses). 2017-A, Financial Statement Preparation-Significant Deficiency). This has been a recurring finding with the Service Area audit for a number of years. The State Auditor recommends to use a certified public accountant to prepare financials for our district, however our response to the State Auditor has been, that due to our limited staff, we will continue to have our auditors prepare these statements, and take responsibility for this decision. Mr. Skeen stated that if we decide to use an outside accountant, he has some referrals for this service. Otherwise, the Service Area will continue to work with our Board and external auditor to develop the best possible solution to this deficiency.


Sewer System Update: Mr. Hanson updated the board on the following:

Chickadee: – Mr. Hanson notified Newman Construction of awarding them the project as contractor for the sewer line replacement project. Mr. Hanson and Newman have thoroughly reviewed the project area and continue to coordinate a realistic time for commencement of this project with Snowbird. With Oktober Fest approaching we will still begin with some of our work during the Snowbird bridge project to include the inside drop in manhole 128, invert work in manhole 129 and laying the line. Barricades will be placed west of our work zones. Mr. Hanson stated that tubing hill location was moved and now restricts our ability to conduct the Cliff Bakery tie in. After Labor Day, we will take 4 days to do a temporary fix on the bakery line in order to get through Oktober Fest. The final tie in work will be coordinated with the remainder of our project. Once the bridges are in and set, the cranes pads are removed and Chickadee is at final grade, we will be able to run the sewer line between the two manholes.

Snowbird Center:-Mr. Hanson explained that there are 3 columns over the sewer near the Snowbird Center and one is a floating footing sitting directly on top of our sewer. Mr. Hanson is concerned that this may be a problem and stated that is still waiting for Tom Jones to sign our, "Consent to Use", document and has also discussed this issue with Dave Fields.

Upper Circle Work:-We are preparing to install the grease trap from the Snowbird Center into the Upper Circle this week.

Canyon Work:- Mr. Hanson discussed the re-paving of Canyon is going well. After the re-paving, the 31 canyon manholes will need to be raised. According to UDOT specifications are to pour concrete around each manhole, which really doesn’t well. Cottonwood Improvements specs are to pour asphalt directly up to the manhole ring. Once the manholes are raised, we will have Cottonwood Improvement up to tv the sewer line.

By-pass Rd.:-Granite Construction has installed a drainage pipe in the by-pass road, (top of the hill-near the Sugarplum Townhouses). This was done to fix the problem of water running under the road.

Water System Update:

Mr. Hanson discussed his concerns regarding the lack of flows and that there is no water above 10,000 feet. The Peruvian Mine & the Peruvian Spring are down to 150 gpm. We are back running the Wasatch Drain Tunnel and levels are sitting at 300 feet. Mr. Hanson stated he has been trying to get the tunnel level to 330 feet, but because of Co-generation and Conference cooling water used, we are not able to. Mr. Hanson has been in discussions with Snowbird as we are approaching the winter ski season that we do not want to deplete our system with snowmaking usage. Trustee McGuinness commented on the water shortages and changes to our infrastructure to adhere to climate changes. Mr. Hanson stated that an 80 million gallon demand on making snow, may have us researching surface reservoirs to capture snowmaking. Ms. McGuinness asked who is responsible for snowmaking resources. Mr. Hanson remarked that ultimately, it is the resorts. Chairman Richards asked Mr. Hanson if we have the ability to limit our supply of snowmaking within our 80 million gallon contract, in which Mr. Hanson stated that we do and we also have other points of diversions we could use.

Mr. Hanson will be meeting with Thomas of the co-gen plant to see if they can optimize their system. They may need to turn the flows down. The Co-generation plant has a non-consumptive right of up to 1 million gallons per day from the Drain Tunnel, which has never been an issue until now. Lastly, Mr. Hanson that through good management practices, we will be fine but ultimately, our drinking water is our number one concern.

Co-gen Building: Mr. Hanson has drafted a water and sewer availability letter for the new Co-generation building. Mr. Hanson stated that the new plant will certainly be more efficient in saving water.

Peruvian Mine-Upgrade:-The Electrician will be up next week to complete the upgrades.

Blue Stakes:-Mr. Hanson commented that we are receiving approximately 5-6 Blue Stakes per day, the most in his career. We are responsible for marking all of the water and sewer lines for all of the projects in our area. Mr. Hanson discussed a recent water leak at the old Lawson house, in which the water line was cut.

Patsy Marley:-Newman Construction has installed over 1000 feet of a new 12"water line and fiber optic. They will continue up Albion Basin after Labor Day.

Hidden Peak Plant:-Mr. Hanson discussed that he is coordinating working with Snowbird staff on the operation of the Hidden Peak treatment plant, while they are doing the snowmaking improvement.

Bay City:-We are in the preparation stages of replacing the media in filter B of the Bay City Plant.

EPA/DDW:-Mr. McIntosh recently gave members of the EPA/Division of Drinking Water tour of our system and to verify compliance standards.


Mr. Hanson reviewed with the Board of Trustees, the Balance Sheet Previous Year Comparison report for the period of June 1st through June 30th, 2018. Mr. Hanson then reviewed the Profit & Loss – Budget vs. Actual for the period of June 1st, through June 30th, 2018. These reports are emailed to members of the board, prior to this board meeting for their review. Financial reports are prepared by Salt Lake County Service Area #3.


Mr. Richards made a motion to approve the bills listed on the June 27th, 2018 through July 17th, 2018 payment registers, as presented by Mr. Hanson and to hereby be authorized and ratified to be paid by the manager. Ms. McGuinness seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Copies of the approved bills are attached to the minutes. The check detail report is emailed to members of the board prior to this board meeting for their review.

Misc. Upcoming Trustees Schedules: Tom Prosek asked if the September 18th, 2018 Board Meeting could be moved to September 25th, 2018. Attending trustees are all fine with that schedule change.

Kate McGuinness will be out of contact for 2 weeks in the August and a couple of weeks in September.

Dave Richards will not be able to attend the scheduled board meeting on August 21st, 2018, therefore the trustees agreed to move this meeting to August 28th, 2018.

There being no further business to be discussed, a motion to adjourn was made, seconded and unanimously carried at 1:05 p.m.

Salt Lake County Service Area #3-Snowbird


Tom Prosek/Acting Chairman



Monica L. Lisenbee/Clerk

