November 18th, 2024

9567 E. By-Pass Road

Snowbird, Utah 84092


                                    Dave Richards, Chairman

                                    Chris Bremer, Vice Chairman

                                    Tom Prosek, Trustee

                                    Kasey Carpenter, General Manager   

Bryauna Alderin, Office Manager/Clerk

John Brindle, System Operator



The Salt Lake County Service Area #3 Board of Trustees meeting was called to order by Chairman Richards at 12:01 pm.


Meeting Minutes approval –After a brief discussion on the 5% wage increase and the potential 2026 property tax increase in the 2025 preliminary budget section for clarification, Vice Chairman Bremer motioned to approve the minutes from the October 21st, 2024 board meeting. Chairman Richards seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. A copy of the minutes is attached for review.


2025 Preliminary budget discussion – Mr. Carpenter discussed the round two review of 2025 preliminary budget and amendment of the 2024 budget. Mr. Carpenter and Ms. Alderin worked to better align the 2024 amended numbers with October expenses included. Chairman Richards asked about the wage increase of 5%, Mr. Carpenter stated he used 5% as a place holder after looking at the COLA of 2.5% and a 2.5% merit raise using Salt Lake City public utilities 2025/2026 increase as a comparison. Board members asked for wage comparisons of like sized districts, Ms. Alderin will gather comparisons and email that information to the board this afternoon. Trustee Prosek asked for an explanation on the overages on bank fees, Ms. Alderin explained that it was due to the Key Bank and Key Cash costs for the first 5 months of the year. Ms. Alderin stated the account will stay over budget as we did not account for the higher charged costs of Key cash flow services when preparing the 2024 budget.  Mr. Carpenter moved on to discuss the Capital projects for 2025, he stated he is waiting to hear back from vendors regarding the cost of relining some of the main sewer piping, and a quote for in-place pipe sanding and coating in the drain tunnel for the larger sections of pipe. Mr. Carpenter stated he has been in discussion with Mr. Taylor at SKM inc. on updating the manual valve in the pumphouse to an automatic valve for snowmaking water and spring runoff release. This would also include replacing the PLC which is the oldest PLC in our system. Mr. Carpenter stated he will have approximate place holders for 2025 Capital costs at the December meeting. The public budget hearing is December 9th, 2024 at 12pm. A copy of the preliminary budget is attached for review.




Town of Alta remote meter project - Mr. Carpenter stated Zarbock plumbing came and repaired a small leak that formed after the remote meter was installed at a residential property in the Peruvian estates. Mr. Carpenter stated two stop and wastes were replaced to stop the leak. Mr. Carpenter discussed that there was some mis communication regarding the remote meter install with the Peruvian lodge, Mr. Brindle gave the lodge a meter and the lodge had a plumber install the meter and some other repairs at a cost of $4000.00.  The lodge is asking the Town of Alta to pay for the install. There is a meeting scheduled tomorrow between the Town of Alta and Service Area #3 to help figure out what the meter portion of the repair cost is of the bill.


Town of Alta West Peruvian estates- Mr. Carpenter discussed the water leak issues with the West Peruvian estates PRV and water line. Mr. Carpenter stated all of the leaks in the PRV have been repaired but there is still a small leak somewhere in the line between West Peruvian and Hellgate subdivision. Mr. Carpenter will meet with the Town of Alta to discuss a plan to repair the leak next summer.


West Peruvian cabin water pressure issue – Mr. Carpenter discussed he received a call from a resident concerning a water pressure issue that has gradually worsened since the water line install project in the summer 2023. The resident had a plumber replace the homes PRV and he was still having problems. Mr. Carpenter and Mr. Brindle removed the remote meter that was installed earlier in the month and pumped water back through the lateral water line while draining the main water line to dislodge any possible blockages.  Mr. Carpenter stated after this flush the homes pressure had increase back to a more normal range.


Town of Alta power restored to booster – Mr. Carpenter discussed that power has finally been restored to the Alta booster after the meter enclosure was crushed by roof snow from the Goldminer’s last spring. Mr. Carpenter stated it was a long process but is functional again and the Service Area can pump water to the Alta tank if necessary.




Town of Alta cross tow water loop –Mr. Carpenter discussed he has been working with Mr. Cawley and the engineers to design a water line to loop the Town of Alta water system. Working in conjunction with the Alta Lift co. snowmaking upgrade project for summer 2025. Mr. Carpenter stated there are two possible connection points to the Town system. Option 1 is by the bottom of the Alta lodge rope tow or Option 2 is by the Buckhorn. Mr. Carpenter stated to the Town that the 2nd Buckhorn connection option will give more redundancy to the system.


Town of Alta master planning – Mr. Carpenter discussed in the master planning process for the Town the Engineers have found some deficiencies in the Town’s fire flow and water storage systems. It was also found the Town is using approximately 90% of the water in the contract agreed upon with Salt Lake City. Mr. Carpenter stated the Town and their engineers are still working to finalize the master plan and solutions to these deficiencies.


Bay City electric heater replacement- Mr. Carpenter stated one of the two electric heaters in Bay City stopped working, Mr. Carpenter is working with the Town of Alta to get a new one ordered and installed.


Bay City valve actuator issue – Mr. Carpenter stated there was an issue with a valve actuator that loosened enough that it would not actuate the valve correctly.  Mr. Wilz was able to get it repaired quickly and no problems have arisen with that valve since.  


SA3 Lead service line inventory – Mr. Carpenter stated he has received an email from the Division of Drinking Water that the lead service line inventory turned in October 15th, 2024 has been accepted. Mr. Carpenter will continue to inform the board of any updates.


Wasatch Drain Tunnel upgrades 2024- Mr. Carpenter stated the project is not totally complete with a couple of small pipe sections that still need to be replaced. Mr. Carpenter and Mr. Brindle will finish replacements when snowmaking ends for the season. Mr. Carpenter stated the piping for the Snowbird Cogen cooling line has been replaced but the PRV is failing, Mr. Carpenter and Mr. Brindle worked to patch repair the PRV and will work with Snowbird to get the PRV fully repaired next spring to reduce higher pressures at the Snowbird Cogen plant.


Snowmaking water usage update –Mr. Carpenter discussed that Snowbird has used 16 million gallons so far approximately 18% of the allotted 80 million gallons. This has brought the water level in the bulk head low enough to start pumping to the tunnel while using the treatment plant.



SLC Sherriff’s Tunnel tours – Mr. Carpenter stated he has been working with Officer Roush with the Canyon Sheriffs to set up 3 tours of the Wasatch Drain Tunnel and Bay City for the new deputies in the canyon.  This will hopefully give them some history and knowledge of Little Cottonwood Canyon and excite some of them to be working up here.


Snowbird Mid Gad restaurant construction –Mr. Carpenter discussed he had a walk-through meeting with Snowbird’s Mr. Schaffer, Snowbird’s engineers and a couple people from the Division of Drinking water to try to move forward with Snowbird’s plan approval from the division of drinking water. Mr. Carpenter stated there is an issue with a tank in the building that will need an exemption for venting. Mr. Carpenter discussed there has been continuous back and forth between himself, Snowbirds engineers and Division of Drinking Water on the unique water system and getting a workable system that complies with DDW regulations.


SA3 Pumphouse heater replacement- Mr. Carpenter stated the electric heater in the pump house stopped working, Mr. Carpenter ordered a new one for $1500.00 and it will be installed when it arrives.


Seasonal employment ended – Mr. Carpenter stated Mr. Wilz seasonal employment has ended and he has moved back to Snowbird for the winter season. Thank you, Mr. Wilz, for all your hard work this summer.


2025 Draft Annual Meeting Schedule – Ms. Alderin briefly discussed a draft meeting schedule for Mondays for 2025 to check if any board member had any issue with keeping the board meeting day on Mondays. All board members are in agreement with the drafted Monday schedule.


Treasurer’s Report – Mr. Carpenter reviewed with the Board of Trustees the Balance Sheet Previous Year Comparison report through October 31st, 2024, and the Profit and Loss Budget vs. Actual January 1st, 2024, through October 31st, 2024. These reports are emailed to members of the Board prior to the Board meeting for their review.


Approval of Bills paid – Approval of the bills listed on the check detail dated October 18th, through November 14th 2024, as presented by Mr. Carpenter, and hereby authorized and ratified to be paid by the office manager. Trustee Prosek made a motion to approve. Vice Chairman Bremer seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Copies of the approved check detail are attached to the minutes.





Adjournment - With there being no further business, Chairman Richards adjourned the meeting at 1:04 pm.


Salt Lake County Service Area #3-Snowbird                                      



Dave Richards/Chairman


ATTEST: ________________________________________

Bryauna Alderin/Clerk



DATE: ____________________________________________